Thursday, April 26, 2012

4/26/12 prayer

We all become angry sometimes with the words or
actions of another.  When we do it is important that we
do not respond to them with words of anger.  For it is
written; He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity, and oh how true that is indeed!   
( Proverbs 21:23 )

The Apostle Paul wrote;
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may 
benefit those who listen.  ( Ephesians 4:29 )
Further, James the half brother of Jesus' wrote; Out of the 
same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers,
this should not be.            
  ( James 3:10 )

After all; Pleasant words are a honeycomb sweet 
to the soul and healing to the bones. ( Proverbs 16:24 ) So, keep your words soft, sweet and pleasing to our Heavenly Father.  After all He hears every word that we say!
So just as King David did, remember these words when
someone angers you.  Then next time before your anger
can take control, recite them in your mind. For he wrote;
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord , my Rock and my Redeemer.  Amen. 

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Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Saw this and thought of my youngest Guido. He loves Godzilla.

Book club reading

Just finished this book for my book club. What a horrible story. Over 300 girls were sent to this nunnery to deliver babies. They were treated like prisoners. The time period was in the 1950's. The nuns put their children up for adoption with falsified records. 

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Friday, April 20, 2012

Lush - Deodorant

Just bought this product to try. Seems to be working and it smells really fresh. I am happy so far.
I am really trying my best to stay away from the aluminum based products and the items that are clogging my pores.


Monday, April 16, 2012

USB floppy drive

This is AMazing!
From geekalerts blog:
USB Floppy Disk Drive

USB Floppy Disk Drive

I look back and find it hard to image that we used to install computer software using floppy disks. If you can still recall, each disk can only store a maximum of 1.44 MB. Because of this size capacity, most of the data and files you can transfer were limited. Of course, we don't have to deal with such restrictions nowadays, with large flash drives and DVDs.

Most CPUs don't come with floppy disk drives anymore for obvious reasons. However, if you still have some important files or documents stored on such disks and found yourself in a bind because you had no idea how to access them anymore, then you're in luck: the USB Floppy Disk Drive is now here…think of it has a classic throwback to the times when DOS ruled.

Basically, you just plug the USB Floppy Disk Drive into your USB port and use it to access data on your floppy disks, transfer them so you can create backups, and view documents that you thought you'd never be able to access again. Pretty cool, huh?

USB Floppy Disk Drive

  • Transfer floppy disk data to your computer via USB
  • 3.5″ 1.44 MB floppy disk drive
  • Cable length: 0.5 meters
  • LED indicating power, read & write activity

The USB Floppy Disk Drive is available at Firebox for $39.69.

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Can't wait to try this. I've heard good things about coconut oil. Must buy. 
From eatwellwithjanel blog:

Stovetop Popcorn: Best Snack Ever

Posted: 16 Apr 2012 03:00 AM PDT


A few weeks ago, breaking news (haha) reported that popcorn has more antioxidants than fruits and veggies. I did a little cheer, and then emailed the link to funk with a subject of: BEST. NEWS. EVER.

We're popcorn junkies around here. Popcorn contains concentrated levels of polyphenols. These disease fighting antioxidants, also found in green tea and red wine, are like little ninja warriors kicking the butts of free radicals that try to damage our cells. Kapow!

Popcorn is also a high fiber, low calorie food, so it fills you up without filling you out. But before you go to the nearest movie theater to load up on the buttery snack, keep in mind that a large, unbuttered popcorn there could have as many as 1,200 belt-busting calories and an artery-clogging 60g of fat.

Your best bet is to make your own stovetop popcorn. Yep, just like the olden days before Mr. Redenbacher and microwaves came around. It's so easy to do and you'll never want to use a chemical laden microwave popcorn bag again. Once Funk and I mastered this method, we got rid of our two (yes we had two) popcorn makers.

Coat the bottom of a heavy duty pot with a few teaspoons of olive oil or coconut oil. Drop three kernels in the bottom of the pot, cover, and wait for them to pop.

This part is essential, because when those three kernels pop, it means the pot is hot enough for the rest, and will ensure you don't have burnt popcorn on the bottom and a whole bunch of un-popped kernels on the top.

Once they do pop, pour three tablespoons of kernels into the pot (or up to ½ cup, depending on how much popcorn you want), cover again, and watch as your pot fills with fluffy popcorn. It only takes a few minutes. Sure the oil adds some calories and fat to your snack, but it's the heart healthy kind and you're keeping a lid on the amount you use.

Our all time favorite popcorn that Funk has perfected is his olive oil and truffle salt popcorn. It is worth the $25 for the container of truffle salt we order online and use strictly for popcorn. We make it weekly!


Popcorn is best enjoyed in bed with a laptop movie.

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Sunday, April 8, 2012

He is risen

As you already know on this, the Highest Holy Day of
the Christian year.  Let us celebrate Christ's Resurrection, and the promises of forgiveness of sins, and Eternal Life for God's Children!  For if we have been planted 
together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection. 
(Romans 6:5 )

 Isn't it truly wonderful to know that someday we will be with God, the Arch Angels, our loved ones, and all the
company of Heaven?  For of that day it is written; God shall
wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: 
for the former things have passed away. 
  ( Revelation 21:4 )

 So celebrate today, and thank Jesus Christ for what He 
did for you!   After all it is written;  Rejoice in  the Lord
always: and again I say, Rejoice.  Amen.    
( Philippians 4:4 )

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Sunday, April 1, 2012