Thursday, September 29, 2011

Little Things Matter by W. Todd Smith

So, I found this book online and thought it would be good to use in my work book club that we do.
This author sounds interesting in that he has made a difference in people's lives and in his own.
I am going to try to post the 100 ways to improve your life today recommendations that he has.
I highly recommend purchasing the book from Amazon or him directly so that you can write on it and take notes.
Let's get inspired!
Preface of the book:
Whether you want to become the world's best parent, develop into your
company's most valued employee, be a top-producing salesperson, or the
owner of your own successful business, the habits you develop and
choices you makeno matter how insignificant they seem at the time
will define the level of success you achieve.
Brian Tracy, whose teachings have had a profound influence on my life,
wrote a challenging book Eat That Frog. He wrote about the importance
of developing good habits.
Your success in life and work will be determined by the kinds
of habits that you develop over time. The habit of setting
priorities, overcoming procrastination, and getting on with
your most important task is a mental and physical skill. As
such, this habit is learnable through practice and repetition,
and over and over again, until it locks into your subconscious
mind and becomes a permanent part of your behavior. Once
it becomes a habit, it becomes both automatic and easy to do.
Jim Rohn, who has been hailed as one of the most influential thinkers of
our time and whose teachings have also been a source of guidance for me
throughout my career, said, ―For your life to get better you must get
Far too often I've observed that people focus exclusively on processes or
strategies to achieve their goals without giving serious consideration to
their personal attributes. In other words, they never ask themselves who
they need to become to achieve their goals.
Bound within the covers of this book are 100 short, action-driven lessons
that can help you become the person you need to be to achieve both your
personal and professional goals.
Regardless of race or age, position or education, you have the chance to
grow and develop skills, to build positive relationships, to create an
attractive personality, to reach your goals, and to enjoy a happy and
fulfilling life.
I hope that as you read and consider these LITTLE THINGS, you will
become excited about developing yourself. As you begin implementing
these lessons into your daily life, you will experience more energy and a
stronger motivation, new courage and inspiration, renewed hope and
greater confidence. Growing and becoming a better person is one of the
most rewarding feelings you will ever experience.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to share the lessons I've learned. I
hope they make as big a difference in your life as they have in mine.
Wishing you success in achieving your personal and professional best,
W. Todd Smith

"All of your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them." -  ºoº Walt Disney ºoº  

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