I really like her because she seems to be very down to earth and maybe because she is a southerner.
I was reading a very informative magazine, Entertainment Weekly
and she said something that I think we both believe for ourselves and children. She said that her favorite quote is from Martha Stewart - "I have a short memory for painful things", while I don't particularly care for Martha personally I like her quote. Reese says, "I have one of those incredible memories where I just erase painful things. Maybe that's really unhealthy, and I probably need to see a therapist. But I don't dwell. You keep going forward. Also, I have kids. What are you going to do? Are you going to teach them to be one of those people who keep looking in the rear-view mirror, or are you going to teach them to be one those people who go, "Tomorrow's another day"?"
I tend not to dwell on too much. Don't get me wrong I do for a bit then I just let it go. Life is too short to dwell on anything. Of course, if you mess with my kids - I will dwell all day long on you. LOL
But, really there is too much that I have been through to worry about. I have kids to raise and maybe one day I will worry about me and the effects of it but until then - Tomorrow is another day.
Thank you Reese for your comments it made my week. I am glad I am not alone in my thinking.