Saturday, April 27, 2013

Awesome cake

From Technabob blog

Battle Of Hoth Wedding Cake: Do You Take This Rebel?

Posted: 26 Apr 2013 08:41 AM PDT

This Battle of Hoth cake makes the battle different than I remember. Thanks a lot Han and Leia. The rebels are facing the Empire in a battle round and round this cake, while the pair of them are busy getting married up top. At least they made sure that the Rebel base is protected with some turrets around them.


Too bad the Empire didn't bring anything that could climb to the top of this mountain of cake. That's some nice Hoth detail though. I hope the groom live happily ever after. I just want Han and Leia to get down there and help out in the battle.

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What, are you going to have your honeymoon while the rest of the Rebels rely on Ewoks to save them on Endor?

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Lunch art

I wish I had thought of this. 

From Technabob blog:

Awesome Graphic Designer Dad Illustrated His Kids' Lunch Bags Since 2008

Posted: 26 Apr 2013 10:00 AM PDT

Some parents make sure their kids eat right by packing their lunches for them. Others go the extra mile to make sure they actually eat it (or have fun with it) by packing the food in bags that just demand for their kid's attention, like dad-slash-graphic designer David LaFerriere.

lunch bag art 1

He's been sending his kids off with lunches packed in illustrated bags nearly every single day since 2008. Do the math and that's easily over a thousand hand-drawn bags since then.

lunch bag art 2

Being the artist and perhaps sentimental father that he is, David has taken a photo of almost every single one and has posted it all on Flickr for the world to see.

lunch bag art 3

Parenting doesn't get any more creative than this.

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