Saturday, October 20, 2012

Watch Out for Store-Bought Olive Oil

Saving Dinner

Saving Dinner
Dear Friend,

If you've seen my recipes, you know I love olive oil. And what's not to love -- it's both delicious and good for you (what a concept!) So imagine my surprise when some of the most respected media in America have been featuring articles on the widespread "Olive Oil Scandal" in US supermarkets and gourmet stores.

"What's up with this?," I wondered. "Probably just another silly health scare about a perfectly nutritious food, right?" Well, I did a little digging and's actually worse than I thought! Get this...

* Independent tests at the University of California, Davis, have discovered that 69% of all imported extra virgin olive oils tested are fake, adulterated, stale, or even rancid. These include many of the most popular brands in the US! How can this be???

* The New York Times reports that "50 percent of the olive oil sold in America is, to some degree, fraudulent."

*  "American grocery stores are awash in cheap, fake 'extra virgins,'" adds The Wall Street Journal.

* And CBS News chimes in: "Consumers who think they're buying one of the healthiest foods on the planet often get something very different."

What on earth is going on? Naturally, my next question was, how can we as health-conscious consumers (and guardians of our families' health!) avoid these shamelessly counterfeit and adulterated oils and get honest-to-goodness, fresh, 100% pure and delicious olive oil the way it's meant to be?

At a recent health conference, I learned a lot more about this "Great Extra Virgin Olive Oil Scandal" and want to recommend a special resource to you.

If you click on the link below, you'll read an MD's "consumer guide" to the world's purest, freshest, healthiest olive oils ... two tips on how to buy safe and pure olive oil no matter where you shop ... an olive oil expert's tip revealing the "code" on the bottle that should tell you how fresh the oil is (beware: it's NOT the "expiration" or "best used by" date!) ... how to store your oil so it doesn't grow stale or rancid ... and even how you can receive a free, full-size sample bottle of one of the best extra virgin olive oils in the world (independently lab-tested to be 100% pure extra virgin). In fact, this is the olive oil I'm using now and it's so flavorful, it's as if I never tasted real olive oil before. These days it's the only one I proudly serve my family and guests.

I'm really in love with this olive oil and the company behind it, and will mention them more in the future. But for now...

Click here to learn more and claim your free sample. 

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