Spotted on Shelves...
Kraft Jet-Puffed Mallow Bits - The hottest thing to hit marshmallows? Extreme miniaturization! These perfect-for-hot-chocolate 'mallows are slightly crunchy, like the ones you find in cereal and cocoa packets. In both Vanilla and Peppermint, a 2-tbsp. serving has just 20 calories, 5g carbs, and 4g sugars (PointsPlus® value 1*). We can't wait to use them in all kinds of new desserts and cocoa drinks. They're just rolling out now in select stores nationwide (we spotted ours at Target), so be on the lookout!
Applegate Naturals Chicken Nuggets- It can be hard to keep your inner child (or actual child) away from tasty tidbits like chicken nuggets. But with the impressive stats of these natural nibbles, there's no need to abstain. A 7-nugget serving has 180 calories, 9g fat, 210mg sodium, 12g carbs, 0g fiber, 0g sugars, and 12g protein (PointsPlus® value 5*). Grab a bag from the freezer aisle at your local market, and pick up some guilt-free dipping sauce while you're at it.
Special K Granola Bars - Our pals at The K are no strangers to the bar scene, but these chewy granola bars are brand-new. They're loaded with oaty goodness and zazzled up with decadent flavors. Choose Dark Chocolate or Chocolatey Peanut Butter... or BOTH. Each bar has 110 calories, 3g fat, 85mg sodium, 17g carbs, 4g fiber, 7g sugars, and 4g protein (PointsPlus® value 3*). Find 'em with the other granola bars at the store... then eat them
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